USA (praying for India)
I prayed with my Disciples Team at Southlands on Friday and they thought it was "so cool" to be praying with other kids around the globe! We prayed via Zoom. One prayer for India that seemed to really have an anointing on it was when someone prayed against the traditions of men. You could sense the weight on it. Most of the prayers Friday centered around health, safety, and knowing Jesus. The highlight was really the kids' excitement and that one prayer regarding traditions.
Today, I led our church group of kids from 2nd - 6th grade in prayer, again, via Zoom. They also thought it was exciting! Most of these kids are Indonesian - American and have been to Indonesia so they have seen and know about other gods, and poverty situations. These kids are not as developed in prayer, but there are a few who prayed boldly. They were mostly focused on salvation and knowing Jesus.

USA - MN report
Here is our report. Jeff will send the photos separately. We started with fellowship around an Indian meal, but totally forgot to take a photo until AFTER our prayer time, when some folks had already left and the table didn't look quite so nice--ah, well!!
We connected with two new-to-us families related to this! One was able to come, one wasn't. The family that WAS able to come were so happy to be here (They both love India!)...and the one that couldn't (a single mom and two kids, with their husband/father just having passed away and them having just moved to our community) was REALLY happy to be invited. We will have them over eventually. Thus, the prayer event was a good open door!
USA Praying for India, in Cambridge, MN
We had a rather small (10 people, all ages) group that gathered to have a delicious Indian meal (Some of us wore Indian clothing ☺), followed by a special time of prayer for India. There were prayers for joy and hope for the Christians in India, and for protection against persecution (and/or strength from the Lord in the midst of persecution). We prayed that their joy and hope would draw others to the Lord. Someone received Psalm 32:6-7, which confirmed the prayers for protection.
We prayed for Onen, Britta and Niko, our KKI co-workers working in the mountains of northern India, especially for protection and favor with the government as they carry out mercy and evangelism ministry there.
Someone had a vision of the sun rising over India, bringing light to chase away the darkness; we knew this represented the light of Jesus!!! We were excited to find out that someone had received Isaiah 60:1-2 and 60:19-20, which completely confirm the vision of the LIGHT OF JESUS rising over India and expelling darkness there!
A six year old drew a picture of Indian people hiking up a mountain, and then told us that there was a gate at the top of the mountain (which she included in her picture). We felt like this was a vision of many believers heading up the "mountain of the Lord" and entering into His gates (Isaiah 60: 11 was mentioned).
A mother/daughter duo prayed that God would raise up an army in India, that the Holy Spirit would be poured out there, that Christians would be covered with the blood of Jesus, that they would have strength in the midst of persecution, and that God would be glorified in India.
We were all happy to be involved!
Kathy, Jeff and Eva
Argentina (praying for USA)

Colombia (praying for USA)

UK (praying for Colombia & Argentina)
Interestingly one of our daughters did colour the country shape mainly dark blue as well and she normally would colour things rainbow or very colourful. "Blue is the third primary color. It spiritually signifies the Healing Power of God. It is the most sublime subject and color which represents, biblically, the Word of God.
We have really enjoyed taken part of Come Lord Jesus international prayer and would definitely love to be part of the next one. Also would love to join with other families we know around us. Even get in touch with some people from Hungary (that's where I am from). I am very encouraged by all and look forward hearing how yesterday went in other families in the UK.
Togo (praying for UK)
Praying for Togo: If we want to see the manifestation of what we pray for Togo, we must stop criticizing the authorities and the situation in the country because it cancels the prayer.En priant pour le Togo :
Si nous voulons voir la manifestation de ce qu'on prie pour le Togo, nous devons arrêter de critiquer les autorités et la situation du pays parce que ça annule la prière.
For the United Kingdom: - we must pray against the spirit of witchcraft which distracts young people, May the Lord give young Christians visions, revelations, creativity ... to reach young people lost in their centers of interest - The song: there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain (Tasha Cobbs)
Pour le Royaume Uni :
- nous devons prier contre l'esprit de sorcellerie qui détourne les jeunes, Que le Seigneur donne aux jeunes chrétiens des visions, des révélations, de la créativité ... pour toucher les jeunes perdus dans leurs centres d'intérêt
- Le chant : there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain (Tasha Cobbs)
One of the word for Togo from family:
God has drawn the boundaries of countries and God will bless them in this place. We pray that their resources will be managed wisely.
1 Thessalonians 5:19 "Quench not the Spirit."
The point is that there is a desire in God's heart that they would enter even more and deeper into God's presence, that the fire that is in them may be fuelLed by the Holy Spirit even more, that miracles and signs may be performed.